Video Editor/VFX Skin Retouching Specialist
The Factory Photography
Los Angeles, CAThis is a Freelance Job
This is REMOTE and can be from anywhere.
Hello. We are looking for someone who SPECIALIZES in making artists faces, skin and legs look as smooth as butta.
Please see any current pop or rap Nicki Minaj \ Cardi B videos where their skin is flawless.
We have a music video that was drastically and harshly down lit with spotlights. It's BEAUTIFUL but the cellulite is not. ;-)
PLEASE have this be something that a main tool in your wheelhouse. I could easily throw on a color mask in FCP or Premier, but we are looking for someone very skilled in this department that does this often. We have hired several people, paid them and they haven't delivered. Please be truthful with us and yourselves if this is something you do.
This would be a paid test, we can send video render and if you could just send back a few frame grabs of what you can do.
This job should be something EASY, fun and fast to knock out for the $$$.
We will have a LOT of volume this year and are looking for our new skin retouching VIDEO BFF.
Thank you all so much for your time and talent. Have a wonderful day and continued thoughts and prayers to all of our friends in California. I am thinking of you every day and calling everyone I can to offer help and support. Peace
- 700.00
per week
Employer will allow resumes sent in the body of the email OR as an attachment. Apply Online