Los Angeles, CAThis was removed by the employer on 1/6/2025 3:03:00 PM PST
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This is a Full Time Job
Job Description: Publicist
Position: Work from home
A boutique public relations firm, specializing in awards and launch campaigns, is looking for a publicist to help develop and implement awards and film/series publicity campaigns.
• Three years experience working at a publicity firm or in the publicity department at a studio, network, or streamer is required.
• Candidates must be organized, detail-oriented with a professional demeanor who can work well in a fast-paced environment.
• This job is based in Los Angeles with a work from home policy.
• There will be an in-person component by attending screenings, events, junkets, interviews, and other client-related and industry events.
• Relationships with key entertainment, trade, and consumer journalists are required.
• Develop original and thoughtful pitch angles for a variety of projects in both film and series campaigns.
• Pitch and secure media coverage in print, online, TV, radio, and podcasts on behalf of clients on a local, regional, and national level.
• Pitch and secure reviews in print and online outlets.
• Participate in client meetings and staff brainstorm sessions.
• Cover events, screenings, press days, junkets, premieres, and interviews.
• Knowledge of staffing changes in the media as well as the launch of new outlets and publicity opportunities.
• Bachelor's Degree
• Minimum of 3 years experience in publicity
• Excellent interpersonal, organizational, verbal, and written communications skills
• Relationships with entertainment press and willingness to develop relationships with those you do not know
• Proactive self-starter with the ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously in a high-pressure environment
• Passion for awards, film, and television
• MuckRack and MailChimp experience a plus