Intern - Film Production
Los Angeles, CAThis was removed by the employer on 1/13/2025 10:31:00 AM PST
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This is a Part Time Unpaid Internship
Internship Start Date: Internship consists of three sections Pre-production, Production, and Post-Production on a low budget Sci-Fi Feature film featuring that 180 degree virtual production screen like the one they used in The Mandalorian (but to a smaller scale).
Pre-production: 1/13/2025 - 1/25/2025 (remote/onsite)
Production ~1/25/25-2/15/25 (onsite in the Los Angeles area)
Post-Production Late Feb - March (optional - onsite)
Internship Duration: 1-3 months (negotiable)
Time/Days Required: 25 hours a week
Workplace Requirements: This unique internship is to learn about film production hands on by being a Producer's assistant, Director's assistant, and/or Production Assistant. The entire internship will culminate in over 100 hours of real-world hands-on feature film experience, in the sci-fi genre. Must have a vehicle to bring yourself to set during the production phase. This is the perfect internship for someone who wants to improve their filmmaking skills in-person in Los Angeles.
If you are currently in a College program and have the time to participate in this internship we encourage you to apply for college credit.
Payment: Unpaid for credit